
What you have is what you need.

An app by Jessica Fairchild

Have you ever gone grocery shopping, only to realize that you already had two dozen eggs and now you have three? Have you ever stared into your refrigerator wondering how you're going to use thirty-six eggs before they go bad? Have you ever ended up throwing away food that would have gone perfectly in an egg salad if you hadn't forgotten that it was in the crisper drawer?

ReadyChef might be the app for you!

When ReadyChef has been completed it will be able to help you decide what to cook based on the food you have, or make a shopping list for you based on what you want to cook. It will help you make sure the recipes you use meet your dietary restrictions, whether you're vegan, lactose intolerant, or just don't like broccoli. And to top it off, it will warn you when your food is about to start getting really gross.

When we were researching for kitchen apps we found a lot of them. Loads. Whole bunches. But even though some of them keep track of what food you have, and some of them let you pick ingredients to make recipes out of, none of them fully incorporate these elements. True, I can dig through my cabinet and type ingredients into the app, but personally I'd rather spend my time smelling the delicious stir fry I'm making... or, better yet, eating it!

So we thought, why not make our own app? Surely that's what the world really needs! One more app, with slightly more convenient functionality!

But then one of our developers had an idea. What if we let people add their own recipes? And what if our app could tell you whether you've made some very vegetarian vittles, or maybe something cool and kosher? Sometimes you're just not sure if your grandmother's mince pies will fly with your vegan friends or not.

Don't toss your cookbooks just yet. ReadyChef is still in the planning stage, but we're confident that it will make your life easier, and keep the number of eggs you have reasonable.